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Menopause Myths – And All That Jazz!

I can remember back when I was a young teenager sitting on the bench in the park in my neighborhood listening to the conversation between some older women who were sitting on the bench across from me. The talk was all about menopause. Listening to them I was so glad that it would be a LONG time before I reached that age and had to go through what they were discussing. To my young ears it sounded like they lived a life of daily ailments that left them miserable, hot, sweaty, irritable, angry, sad, bloated, fat, unattractive, tired, and in pain. After a while I’d heard enough so I got up and walked away, but not before reminding myself to ask my mother about this thing called Menopause. (Of course I forgot).

Flash forward some 40 years later and menopause is upon me. Yes, I experienced many of the symptoms those women talked about all those years ago. But the difference between me and those women is that I know something that they may not have known. They did not have to suffer those symptoms indefinitely. All I knew when I entered menopause was that I was determined to find a natural way to get relief from the symptoms without the use of hormones if I could help it. I also realized that I had to respect the process of menopause and treat my body accordingly. I decided to focus on the wellness aspect of menopause. I wanted to know what I could do to not only eliminate the symptoms but also to get to a point where I am feeling my best! I wanted to feel strong. I wanted to be flexible. I wanted to be toned. I wanted to be internally strong. I wanted a calm and relaxed mind. I wanted to be able to sleep at night. I wanted to enjoy intimacy. I wanted to be free from pain and stiffness.

I wanted enjoy my life. I wanted it all. And why not? Didn’t I deserve it? Don’t you? I did not get to this point in my life just to let it all go by the wayside just because a couple of myths say it’s the way it’s to be. It’s a woman’s lot. Well it’s not my lot and it shouldn't be yours either. I'll make my own lot thank you very much!

The best way to deal with menopause myths is to debunk them. Believe me when I tell you a lot of these myths are shrouded in very little truth! Yes, there are challenges, but nothing that cannot be overcome with diligence, a little work and a positive mindset.

Let’s start debunking so that we can get to the good stuff!

Myth: I’m going to gain weight and lose my body shape and I won’t be able to lose the weight and get my shape back.

Fact: All women do not gain weight during menopause. In fact some women lose weight. If you do gain weight it’s just a matter of getting your hormones back in balance. You may have to change your diet and eliminate sugar (the main weight gain culrit) and caffeine from your diet. Replace soda and other sweet drinks with tea and water. (Infused waters are great. Adding more organic fruits and vegetables will definitely play a huge role in weight control. Pay close attention to what affects your weight. You also may have to change your exercise routine to something that focuses on core strength and resistance. Calming routines such as Pilates, Yoga, Tai Chi or QiGong are excellent for stretching, toning and regulating hormone fluctuations. Add some cardio such as walking, jogging, or dancing for additional calorie burn and heart health.

Myth: I’ll lose my interest in sex when I enter menopause

Fact: The change in libido is due to the hormonal imbalance. Once you get the hormones back in balance, the sexual desire returns. Try Qigong for women that focuses on menopause and menstrual issues. You’d be surprised at the results. Keep in mind that not all women lose their sexual desire in menopause. Everyone’s body responds to menopause differently. Some women report an increase because they no longer have to worry about pregnancy and their experience and self-confidence helps them to release inhibitions that they had in their younger years. It’s all in the state of mind!

Myth: Once I enter menopause, I’m officially old.

Fact: The Chinese believe that when a woman enters menopause she’s in the “Second Spring” of her life. There is nothing about that statement that sounds “old”. In fact, to me it sounds like renewal. This is the time to get into yourself and make time for yourself. Do things that make you happy. Do things that make you feel good inside. I started doing Pilates when I was in peri-menopause. Today I’m more flexible, and physically stronger than I was when I was in my 30s and bench pressing weights. My husband tells me all the time that he doesn’t know where I get all my energy from. I’m youthful in face and body. Do I look the way I looked when I was 20 years old? No. But then, I don’t want to. I love the way I look now. I embrace it. I eat foods that I know will keep my skin glowing and youthful. I do exercises that keep my body toned, strong, flexible and happy. Menopause doesn’t mean old. Menopause means “Next!”

Oh and by the way, I have a friend who entered menopause when she was 38 years old. I don't think she would have appreciated being considered "old" at that time and she certainly didn't see herself as such!

Myth: Menopause is going to cause me to have painful sex and I won’t be able to do anything about it.

Fact: Only about 50% of women actually experience vaginal dryness so chances are it might not be a symptom you experience. It’s the pain and discomfort of that condition that causes the drop in libido, and not particularly the hormonal imbalance. There are plenty of over the counter remedies that offer natural lubrication for women that you can use to combat the dryness and if it’s severe, there are prescribed medications that are safe that your doctor can recommend. If you’ve been enjoying great intimacy there is no reason you have to give it up just because you’re in menopause. In fact, it might prove to be a lot of fun finding ways to improve it while looking for solutions! (Can you say CREATIVE?)Think about it!

Myth: When I enter menopause, my health will decline.

Fact: This is the one myth I absolutely refuse to give any weight to. Look around you. The fact is that women live healthier more fulfilling lives than they did before menopause. They’re making changes in their lives and doing things they want to do. They’re changing careers, they’re spending more time with family and friends, they’re starting businesses and they’re taking better care of their bodies. When I started menopause, I had heart paplitations, and my blood pressure and colesterol levels rose. But I didn't accept that as something I had to live with for the rest of my life. I decided instead that I would focus even more on my health and started by doing a month long detox.

The fact is that the more you take care of your body, the more you can enjoy your life. Don’t buy into the myth. Fight for your life. Protect your body with healthy food. Strengthen it with movement. Infuse it with air with deep focused breathing. Ignite it with the desire to achieve wellness like never before and don’t give up until you have it!

For more menopause myths click below.

Until Next Time….

Stay Blessed…And Stay WELL.....

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