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October is World Menopause Month. I’m celebrating by beginning my 28 Day Body & Soul Detox. But this time it will be different. This time I am focusing, really focusing on the SOUL portion of the detox. As a woman in menopause this is vitally important to me. That’s not saying I didn’t focus on the Soul portion of the detox the first time I did it. I did focus on it and it worked wonders for me.

But this past year I went through a lot of emotional upheaval in my life. And there are still some residual feelings left inside of me that I know I need to work on. I’m holding on to feelings that don’t serve me in the life I want to have for myself. I need to forgive. Myself and others. This is nothing new to me. I’ve had these feelings before. The difference now is that when I release them, they will stay released. They will no longer take up space in my heart, mind, body and soul. That means I won’t talk about them anymore, nor will I talk about those who I let put them there. I’m owning up and blaming no one, not even myself. It’s just something that happened and now something needs to be done to break free.

That’s what I’m about to do now. Break free and stay free. I no longer have room in my life for negative people, places or things.

No room for negative feelings or thoughts. As a woman in menopause I can say those things are not healthy! They breed illness. They stagnate my energy. They keep me up at night, unable to shut down my brain. They make me feel old. So they have to go so that I can make room for what I want in my life. Happiness, Bliss, Vitality, Peace, Love, Wealth, Health & Wellness. All the things God promised me.

See this is what menopause can do to a woman especially if she is open and honest about what is going on in her life. I wasn’t before but I am now. And it feels good. The truth is, I’m actually relieved! I don’t want to be in my Second Spring of life with all of that mess in my soul. Nope. Not me! Now I can do the Soul portion of my detox with no fear. I’m ready for whatever I need to do to overcome, move forward and grow. The process had already begun in my heart and mind before I even thought to do the 28 Day Body & Soul Detox again. But when it was presented to me, I decided that this would be a great time for me to do it since my mind was already heading in that direction.

So now, I will get the best of both worlds. I will detox my soul on a deeper level and I will get to enjoy delicious organic body nourishing and strengthening food in the process!

If you’re a woman going through menopause and you’re feeling great about your life and your health is tip top then accept my genuine excitement and happiness for you! You have achieved what I am going for right now! But if you’re going through menopause and are still holding on to negative feelings that you know are holding you back from truly enjoying your life, then I say this to you today. Detox your Body AND your Soul. Do it for yourself. Not for anyone else but yourself. Be selfish with it because you deserve it! Show yourself some love. Show yourself some kindness and concern.

This is World Menopause Month and what better time than now, in this month that celebrates us as menopausal woman, and focuses on our health and well-being, to do something for yourself that celebrates you!

There’s a group detox going on right now with and it’s not too late to join! You still have time to get on board and get started. Come join me and others on this exciting and fun journey. You’ll get all the support you need in our FB group page and with weekly group calls. Hope to see you there!

Until next time…..

Stay Blessed…..And Stay WELL…..

The Wellness Deeva

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