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21 Day Beautiful Posture Beautiful YOU Challenge!

Did you know that good posture promotes wellness? What? You didn't know? Remember back in the day when your mother and aunties were always telling you to "Sit up straight" Or "Stand up straight!"? Or maybe you had an auntie who would take her hands and bend you practically backward to make you straighten your back? These are funny examples but they were serious! They had no tolerance for our teenage slouching with our hanging heads, drooping shoulders and slouched backs.

When I went to model/charm school back in my early 20s, they did some serious work on us to get us to walk and sit upright. Not only did we have to walk with books on our heads but we also had a piece of wood tied to our backs to keep our backs straight. You had to see us walking around in there with books on our heads and wood on our backs looking like little trussed up robots. We had to walk around and go up and down stairs like that. We had to sit like that. And you dared not drop the book off of your head!

I have a friend who told me she had an etiquette instructor who made them do what she called the Puppet Promenade.

That's right! They tied strings tied around their heads and had their heads lifted like puppets. They had to sit in front of a mirror and practice holding their necks straight up while lifting their heads as if they were puppets being lifted by a string! Hello! But you know what? Those exercises worked! By the time I graduated my carriage was tip top! I would be at work and folks would comment about my posture and how straight my back was. It got to the point where I would be sitting down and people would ask me why wouldn't I relax! My reply would be..."I AM relaxed!" It was such a natural thing for me that I didn't have to think about it, I just did it!

But of course injuries, age & illness can all wreak havoc on your posture. And if you're in menopause and have the joint stiffness that comes along with it, you may be more inclined to slouch to accommodate the stiffness. We've all been there, your's truly included. It just seems to be so much more comfortable to just fall into the stiffness with a bent neck, or forwardly curved shoulders and a curved back because it hurts to stand up straight. I understand, truly I do! BUT!!

Here's the thing. Don't give in to the stiffness in that way because you will pay for it in the long run with a spine that's unaligned, back and neck pain, and a feeling of being unwell. I got so accustomed to my head being dipped because my neck was stiff that when I walked toward my own mirrored reflection I didn't recognize myself. I was the one who got called conceited because my head was always up in the air! So to see this, it was a big, upsetting surprise for me! Lost in my comfort zone, I failed to see what the slouching was doing to my body. For one thing, it shortened the length of my neck and the slouching made me look horrible in my clothes.

Once I saw this and decided to make some changes in my posture, a transformation happened. The immediate benefits was that I looked about 2 inches taller and my waistline looked smaller. Just like that! But here are some other benefits of correcting your posture:

1. You FEEL better

2. You actually breathe easier

3. You can see more! Instead of seeing concrete you'll be more aware of nature (the sky, trees, etc.), and you become more alert

4. Your shape is improved (Waistline smaller, neck longer, body looks more shapely)

5. Corrects "sway back".

6. Boosts your self esteem and confidence

7. Can help relieve minor depression

8. Can actually give you a more positive state of mind

9. Can help internal organs function better

All of that just by improving your posture! It's not that difficult to do either. At first it may be a little uncomfortable and you may feel a little silly but over time it will become a lot easier and then you will wonder why you ever let your posture go in the first place.

I have a challenge for you! It's called the 21day Beautiful Posture Beautiful You Challenge!

Do it with your friends or by yourself but get serious about it and watch the transformation inside and out!

You ready for this??

Follow these simple exercises:

1. Stand naturally the way you always do. Have someone take before pictures of you. (Front, back and sides) Then sit in an office chair or any chair without arms. Sit the way you always do. (If you slouch when you sit, don't change it for the picture)

2. Next, stand in front of a mirror with your arms at your sides. Take 3 deep belly breaths bringing the air in to your belly and up to your chest. Hold it for 7 counts and then slowly exhale.

3. Turn your head slowly to the left, and then to the right as far as you can go without pain. Next, lean your head to the right as if you were trying to make your ear touch your shoulder (Don't hunch your shoulder) Do the same on the left. Lean your head all the way forward and let it hang on your chest. Then lift your head up and lean it back as if you are trying to let your head touch your back. Do this complete exercise 3 times.

4. Lift your shoulders up as high as you can. Then carefully let them drop. You will feel a release of tension. Do this three times.

5. Slowly roll your shoulders to the front 3 times and three times to the back.

6. Shake your arms and let your hands dangle as you shake.

7. Look at the side view of yourself in the mirror. Check your posture for sway back, forwardly curved shoulders, slouchiness in your back, and the angle of your head. Check for a curve in your neck that leaves your head leaning forward or down. Make a mental note or write it down if you need to.

8. Turn to the front and view yourself in the mirror. Start first by correcting your head and neck issues. Pull your neck as far away from your shoulders as possible and lift your head to be aligned with your neck. (Imagine your head is being pulled up by a string. Remember Puppet Promenade?)

9. Slowly pull your shoulders up, then move them back, and down.

10. Become aware of your back. If you need to, sit in a chair with your feet firmly on the floor. Let your butt touch the back of the chair. Now lean your back against the back of the chair and place your hands gently on your thighs.

11. Stand up and lean against a wall. Straighten your back until you feel your shoulders touch the wall. Bring your head up to a natural angle (You may feel your hair brush the wall).

12. For an extra challenge, place a book on top of your head and practice walking and sitting.

Do these exercises for 21 days and let me know what the results are! Post your comments and pictures right here! Or you can post to my Facebook page! I have a feeling you are going to see a beautiful new you staring back at you in the mirror!

Until Then...Stay Blessed...And Stay WELL!

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