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I Almost Quit Exercising When I Started Menopause!!! Why I Didn’t and How Pilates Helped…

I’ll never forget the day I woke up and saw my body in the mirror about six months after I started menopause. I had gained about 20 lbs. The stiffness I felt and the heart palpitations had sort of scared me and I practically stopped exercising altogether out of fear. But when I saw my body, I became really depressed and thought to myself…”what’s the use?” I was just beginning to really consider becoming a full time Pilates instructor when all this happened and I remember asking a friend how I could possibly consider being someone’s Pilates instructor when I didn’t even look like I did Pilates at all. Plus I was a tight jean wearing woman and PROUD of it! I looked all kinds of cute in them too! But even that was gone! I couldn’t even get IN them much less zip them up! Get out! What! Nah! Not me!! So Now What??? I felt like the woman in those Youtube videos that I had previously laughed at in the past. You know the leg up one down, arms straining to make the two ends of the waistband meet, and a look of intense strain and concentration on the face? Sweating? Yep, that was me!

But when I expressed to my doctor that I had quit exercising she immediately told me to go back to exercising and KEEP AT IT! She said not to quit now because this is the time I need it most. She said that although the symptoms were temporary, I should still continue working out through the process otherwise my shape will change and it would be increasingly harder to get it back after awhile. And she said I had something on my side and that was my natural athletic ability and the fact that I was a person who regularly exercised so it wouldn’t take as long for my body to respond when I went back to it. And she was right too because I can remember when I saw all this excess weight around my neck, back and waist. It was in my arms and my shoulders looked like they were getting broad. But I also saw it in my hips, thighs, and butt. It really threw me so see my body like that! It was as if someone else inhabited my body. Even my skin looked different. It was dull looking with no luster at all!

So I started back doing Pilates and I worked really hard and was able to get to a place where I felt good viewing my body in the mirror.

I know for a fact that Pilates is what really helped to reshape, tone, strengthen, and lengthen my body. I have no doubt about that. I can remember when I felt the stiffness lessen, and the heaviness I had been feeling in my limbs disappeared. My skin started to look better and I was getting back that natural glow that I’d always enjoyed. I know I owe that to the breath work used in Pilates.

Look at it this way. Joseph Pilates created this exercise for himself and for wounded war veterans. He did it because the doctors couldn’t do anything more for him or for other wounded veterans. Think about it! The doctors couldn’t do it but he did!

There is something about Pilates that is soothing and gentle but at the same time, very potent! Every time I practice Pilates, after about 20 minutes into my session I’ll start to feel a difference in my body. A feeling of well being comes over me and by the time I’m done I’m completely enveloped in that feeling. I’m smiling and my body feels well stretched and relaxed. This is something I need during this time in my life so I have no problems with practicing some form of Pilates every day.

What I also remember is that I had also lost my passion and enjoyment for walking. Before menopause I used to walk for miles around my neighborhood and beyond and loved it! I had a walk buddy sometimes and I would take her to some of the places I had found during my walks and she enjoyed it too. But because I was feeling so tired, stiff and unbalanced, I quit walking too. But here’s what’s so beautiful about Pilates. Once I started back doing Pilates and the stiffness and pain had left me, I felt the urge to start walking again! I had energy, balance and lightness in my body that had been missing since menopause! Pilates did that for me! I mean think about it. It’s a type of exercise that works you out from head to toe, trains your brain (Focus), relaxes and energizes, strengthens and lengthens, aligns the spine, alleviates pain, and leaves you with such a feeling of well being, that you are drawn to it over and over again. The best part is that you can do Pilates every day! You don’t have to worry about overworking your body because you can modify the moves according to how your body feels. No worries!

Oh yeah, and did I tell you that I can wear my tight jeans again and look CUTE in them? Yes!!! I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

If you’re reading this and you are a woman going through menopause looking for relief of the physical and emotional symptoms of menopause, you’ve come to the right place! So don’t give up! And if you want to know more you can come back and visit Deeva Pilates & Wellness at any time. Don’t forget to sign up for my monthly newsletter and fitness tools emails. And you can do this all right from my website! Come back regularly to this blog and enjoy healthy (menopause friendly) recipes, fitness tips, and more!

Got a menopause related issue you need help with? Tell me about it! I’ll get answers and blog about it right here at the Deeva Pilates & Wellness Blog!

Want to work out with Deeva Pilates & Wellness? Contact me at Or you can contact me through my website You can also contact me on Facebook. Just look up Deeva Pilates & Wellness.

Live out of state or the country? No worries! You can work out with me through SKYPE in your own home.

Next week….Menopause and FOOD. Plus tips on how to fit a workout into your day no matter HOW busy you are. Don’t miss it!

Meanwhile…Stay Blessed & Stay Well!

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