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The Power Of QiGong And Healing

I have a client who is healing in spite of herself. During our first few sessions she fought with me about doing QiGong as part of the program. And told me in no uncertain terms that “I am NOT feeling this QiGong”. But I pushed her and had her do the QiGong forms despite how she felt about it. I convinced her to open her mind and do the movements with me because you see, I KNEW that it was what she needed for internal healing. And wouldn’t you know, not too long ago she told me that she is starting to feel so much better and that the believes the QiGong is HEALING her! And she’s right, it is! What she doesn’t understand, but soon will is that SHE is healing herself! It’s her own energy that’s revitalizing her! Her energy, blending with the energy from the earth, the sun, the grass, the flowers, etc! SHE is the one who shifted the energy in her home. She is the one who shifted the energy in her workout space! She is the one who shifted the energy in her body! I am just the messenger! SHE did the work. And in spite of herself, she is healing. She is my confirmation that QiGong, practiced with an open mind and spirit does heal the body internally! I see her face glowing after her workouts, I can feel her energy, feel the shift in her spirit.

I have another client who was so into the QiGong movements I led her through that when she finished she was physically shaking! Her energy was SO strong and for the first time she REALLY felt it. She was shaking and smiling, and giddy! She told me she felt so GOOD! I had led her through a new routine of forms that were very powerful and she was pulsating! OK? Blood flowing and alive! I could feel her spirit expanding and her energy was contagious! We started dancing and acting silly and it was great! They were both Feeling their CHI! (Energy)

When I witness these reactions from my clients, it humbles me, inspires me and lets me know that I am doing what I was born to do! What GOD put me on this earth to do!

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