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Hillside, NJ Pilates Instructor

Denise Marie Beachem


Denise Marie Beachem is a former business career school instructor. She prepared underprivileged men, women and welfare mothers for the job market. She’s also taught in various shelters throughout NYC.


Denise is a former New York model and model instructor. She is also a graduate and former instructor at the famed Ophelia Devore School of modeling and charm.


Denise also took interior styling and marketing classes at the Fashion Institute of Technology and later became a co-owner of Nia Home Essentials, an interior styling company.


Denise is now an ASFA certified Pilates Instructor and owner of Deeva Pilates & Wellness, located in Hillside, NJ, and specializes in individual and group body “treatment” programs designed to calm the mind while strengthening and healing the body from the inside out. 


Since starting her business Denise has been a speaker on the AAE Blog Talk Radio show with Coach Lilisa Williams. Deeva Pilates & Wellness is also a part of the Wellness Team with Coach Carmen of Sharing The Bliss. She was a guest speaker in the Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health & Beauty Transform Your Life Expo in Harlem where she conducted a fitness and wellness demo.


The DP&W Way - Energy Elements


Element #1 - Deep Breathing


I believe deep breathing is the easiest and most available internal cleansing and healing mechanism we have. Deep breathing is a major key to achieving wellness because it releases up to 70 percent of the toxins in our bodies. Yep! 70 percent! That’s a lot of toxins. And all you need is 5 minutes of deep breathing daily to jump start that release. Unfortunately most of us never experience this release because we mainly walk around breathing shallow breaths. Most people rarely take more than one or two deep breaths throughout the day. Not good! Shallow breathing does not allow enough oxygen to enter into the body. Not breathing properly makes our organs work harder.


Deep breathing is included in the DP&W programs because of its’ internal healing and calming elements. The obvious benefits of deep breathing include calming the mind, relaxing the body, and releasing tension. But there are deeper healing properties that many of us are not aware of. Controlled, deep breathing can also improve digestion, strengthen the heart and lungs, strengthen the immune system and improve your skin tone. And there are many more benefits!! I include this element because it is the starting to point to any exercise whether it is weight lifting, cardio, yoga, or Pilates. Deep breathing helps you focus on whatever movement you are trying to execute.


Deep breathing also aids in visualization. You breathe in and prepare, and breathe out to execute. At Deeva Pilates & Wellness we call this "Inhale to get ready, Exhale for the Pretty". DP&W incorporates various breathing exercises into each program on each level to achieve maximum results.


Element #2 – Qi-Gong


There are three types of QiGong; Medical (For Self healing), Spiritual (Meditation), and Martial (Combative). Deeva Pilates & Wellness focuses on the Self Healing and Meditative aspects of QiGong.


Qi Gong, literally meaning “working with the chi” is an ancient Chinese system of energy medicine and self-healing. It uses breathing techniques in conjunction with meditation and gentle movement to stimulate chi, which is the term for life force energy. Qi Gong is also used to increase and distribute the body’s own energy. It’s used for its internal organ cleansing and strengthening abilities as well as it’s stress relieving and mind clearing and strengthening aspects. In some hospitals in China, Qi Gong is a recognized part of their patient’s therapy.


The “Qi” in Qi Gong means Energy. Gong means Work. When doing Qi Gong we work with life energy. The energy in Qi lives in all things that naturally exist; humans, animals, plants, and minerals. Stress, unhealthy lifestyles, injuries, major surgeries, medications, and unhealthy food rob us of our human life energy stores. Qi Gong is a technique that in its’ simplicity, helps us regain the lost energy, and reverses the shortage, making it possible to feel normal, healthy, and energized again. If done properly you can actually FEEL the energy (chi)  vibrating through the tips of your fingers and a warming sensation in your abdomen while using your hands to move the energy. 


Visualization and correct breathing in Qi Gong is vital and is the key to self healing and it is utilized in all of the programs because it helps strengthen spiritual, and body health internally through focused relaxation and energizing body movements. I’m especially interested in Qi Gong for menopausal women. Research shows that menopausal women who practice QiGong can restore their hormonal balance and alleviate many of the symptoms of menopause. Because of its’ internal organ cleansing, detox, healing properties, energy balancing and restoration, I believe that Qi Gong is the perfect component in the DP&W wellness programs.



Element #3 - Pilates


Joseph Pilates said “above all, breathe correctly”. In other words, if you do nothing else, breathe. Just breathe. See how it all ties in? Pilates’ main focus is on breathing and control. If you breathe correctly you can execute more effectively.


I chose to include Pilates in the DP&W programs because of its’ strengthening, toning, and breathing aspects. It is the most effective for toning and strengthening and increasing flexibility.  Pilates can be done by people of all levels of fitness. I believe Pilates is the one form of exercise that actually gives one a mental boost as well as a physical booth. In Pilates, you have to be aware of your own body. This includes movement, placement, the way your body feels during a movement, and after, and how you feel after completing a Pilates session. You learn to listen and heed the signals of your body which enables you to modify a movement if your body signals to you a discomfort. Pilates is about toning, not injuries. Sometimes during other types of exercise if the focus is not on the body but more on the results, one can become injured and not realize it until it’s too late. With Pilates you are aware of every aspect of your body and you are aware of the placement of every part of your body.


Pilates is a form of exercise that uses your own body weight to develop strength and flexibility at the same time. Joseph Pilates was the creator of the Pilates exercise method, which uses the mind to control the body. His famous quote “It is the mind itself that controls the body”, lets us know that he was truly in complete awareness of the mind/body connection long before it became cliché.  Pilates not only strengthens the body, it elongates the muscles.


Pilates can effectively change the look of your body giving you a leaner slenderized look. Pilates is the most effective core strengthening practice which is why people who practice golf, tennis, football (yes football), and other sports utilize it. Runners use Pilates to keep their limbs loose, particularly the hamstrings. Dancers do Pilates for flexibility and stretching. Pilates is also one of the least expensive forms of exercise that can be used to get fit because although there are various training gadgets and machines used, you can still get the same result using just a mat and your own body.


This is where my passion and mission meet one on one. It’s important to me to teach others the principal of mind, body and spirit through my cleansing and rejuvenating deep breathing exercises, Qi Gong energizing and inner cleansing movement, and Pilates toning, balancing, and strengthening moves. I believe that we are all looking for some kind of release that is lasting and that produces favorable results each time we utilize them. No quick fixes that after a while do not work. I believe that many of us are looking for ways to energize our tired bodies that are stressed and worn down from overwork, worry, the economic crises, the foods we consume, and the meds we take.


Deeva Pilates & Wellness created programs focused on breathing and relaxation, toning, stretching, cleansing, flexibility, and strengthening.  These programs were designed specifically to help anyone on all levels of fitness from beginner to advanced.







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