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Genesis 1:29 

Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.”

Hello! The Wellness Deeva Here!

Are You Ready To... Heal Your Soul, Transform Your Body (including losing weight), Gain Energy, Think Clearer, Have More Focus, Sleep Well, Look & Feel Younger and Happier? Are You Ready To Experience More Contentment And Bliss In Your Daily Life?


A little about me. My name is Denise Beachem aka 'The Wellness Deeva'. I am the owner of Deeva Pilates & Wellness, a company that specializes in individual and group "Body Treatment" fitness programs for women. I am a certified pilates instructor working mainly with women over 40 and 50 and women who are in menopause. I've been a speaker on various radio shows where I talked passionately about the importance of wellness for women and how they can start their own personal wellness journeys. I am also a 28 Day Body And Soul Detox and Wellness Coach, personally certified by Coach Carmen Abercrombie of Sharing The Bliss. 

In January of this year, I completed a physical challenge that called for me to do the plank exercise every day for a year. My planking times ranged from a minute to my personal best time of 19 minutes. If you know anything about planking you know that it's a very difficult but extremely beneficial exercise. I did this every day for 366 days, and on many of those days I planked twice a day! If there is one thing I know for sure it's that there is no way I would have been able to keep up that pace if I hadn't been eating healthy, sustainable foods. I know this to be true because on the days that I made unhealthy food choices, my body responded with limited strength and on those days I struggled greatly with my planking. I say all of this to make you aware that we are definitely what we eat. 


As a 28-Day Body & Soul Detox Coach, it would be my joy to get you started on your wellness journey! How? By guiding you through this life-transforming detox designed to release all sorts of toxins from your organs, blood and systems, as well as the deepest parts of your soul. Designed to build your body in strength and sustainability from the inside out. 

Inner cleansing by detoxification is the first step for the elimination as well as prevention of every disease and mental dysfunction. It’s the first step to wellness of the spirit, soul and body. When someone gets a snake bite the first thing to do is to remove the venom right?

The same is true when any disease enters the body temple. We are being prescribed tons of crazy medication when what we really need is detoxification. Detoxing is a way of starting over. It’s giving your body and soul a fresh start. It begins the process of rebuilding the body by deleting "bad programs" and replacing them with new healthy ones. The old programs that carry viruses and disease, feed their information into the cells of every part of the body, which confirms the saying "You are what you eat". Detoxing allows sick, spent and worn out cells to flow out of the body. Removal of old cells make way for new cells to develop with new data from live organic food. Detoxing also allows these new cells to produce in a less toxic environment.

Give me just 5 weeks and I’LL SHOW YOU HOW TO EAT YOUR WAY TO HEALTH & HAPPINESS BY INCORPORATING SUPER DELICIOUS BETTER (Vegan Cuisine), BEST (Raw Vegan Cuisine) and BEYOND (Extracted Organic Juices) FOOD CHOICES into your life.

It all begins with a one week Soul Detox.


What’s blocking your greatness? Would you believe that in most cases it's related to food? It’s true! The good news is it's easy to let go of unhealthy food choices once you confront the emotional strongholds that are causing the food addictions, and uproot them once and for all. Isn’t it time to let it go? The Scriptures tells us in Ephesians 4:22-23 that..."You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your mind; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness." 

I like to teach the importance of Vibrational Alignment because too often we are believing for one thing, and our subconscious thoughts, feelings, and physical actions are not in agreement with it. That means that our minds haven’t turned the corner to catch up with what we are believing for. We are not in sequence. So even though it may already be ours by divine right, the universe cannot release it to us. 














To see a change you have to make a change. You have to BE the change. Within the 4 weeks of this beautiful program you will begin to change your thinking processes, and alter your emotional and physical programming about food. This is achieved by 21 days of education, spiritual practices and incorporating delicious EVEN BETTER (Organic Vegan Cuisine), BEST (Organic Raw Vegan), and Beyond (Extracted Organic Juices) food choices into your life. What makes the 28-Day Body & Soul Detox different from other programs is that it’s a sustainable, holistic lifestyle-change program.

No pre-packaged freeze-dried food here! No pills. No potions. No secret formulas. You learn to prepare delicious meals, tasty energizing drinks and yummy and even decadent tasting desserts that can actually heal your mind & body. Yes! You can THINK and EAT your way to health, happiness and live a happier life! I did, and I can’t wait to show YOU how.

If you or someone you love is already ill, choosing to register for the 28 Day Body & Soul Detox can be the beginning of your integrative approach to physical & mental health and wellbeing. Choosing not to take an integrative approach (combining natural and spiritual alternatives with conventional treatments) to transform your life is like taking the “pink pill” which sends you down the “rabbit hole” where there may be no end in sight. Many who have spent years being treated solely within the conventional "Medical Matrix" will concur. I’m am sure that you, just as I do, know many people who are living in this cycle right now. And most if not all of them want to get off of that cycle. 

The bottom line? Don’t expect to get the true answers about getting well, and staying well from conventional doctors because medicine is BIG, BIG Business in America. Education before medication is key!
















I have a few questions I would like to ask, if you don’t mind.

  • Are you one of the many who are overweight, or unhealthy, and know in their heart that it’s time for holistic change?

  • Do you suffer from fibroids or other reproductive issues? Are you suffering from headaches and anxiety?

  • Do you feel that it is time for you to heal your body, and unplug from the “Medical Matrix” once and for all?

  • Are you in need of Emotional Healing?

  • Have you come to the conclusion that you cannot do it alone?


  • Would you like to learn how to prepare HEALING MEALS and NUTRITIOUS DESSERTS that are easy, and delicious?

  • Would you like to find easy ways to relieve stress from your life?

  • Do you feel the need for a more intense, personal and powerful connection with the Holy-Spirit?

If you’ve answered yes to even one of the questions get excited because you have been sent someone who’s been there, made it through, and has a heart to help you make it too!




















We have been brain-washed to believe that fast-food saves us time and money.  The truth is the Food and Drug Administration, the Department of Agriculture and which Coach Carmen calls the Medical Matrix have come together with one agenda... to keep you uneducated about the effects of fast (junk) food. Why? Because it's making them billions. Just ask yourself how much money it would cost you and your family if you developed cancer, or some other illness? Even you know deep down inside that within time that all of the herbicides, pesticides, hormones, and steroids in GMO food you're eating daily are going to catch up with you.

Did you know that after years of exposure to these toxins your body loses its ability to keep up with elimination? That means all of that junky stuff re-circulates back into your blood stream. This is the main cause of liver damage. Toxins are stored in the body’s fat cells, which is why obesity is so dangerous. As more and more toxins build up in your body arthritis, high blood pressure, sleeping disorders, gum disease, skin disorders, diabetes, obesity, fibroid tumors, thyroid and auto-immune disorders, cancers and other diseases quietly creep in.  I talk about this a lot in my teleclasses. And the reality is fast food isn't that cheap any more. Making your own organic lunch can save your health and save you money. 

If only I had an opportunity like this years ago, long before the fibroids I suffered became life altering, I might not have needed to have two surgeries to treat them. I might have been able to shrink them entirely! But I had no idea that the foods I was consuming were not only contributing to the fibroids growth but also for the other physical problems I had because of them!



















The 28-Day Body & Soul Detox is not only an investment in a healthier mind and body, it will be an education in how to prepare the most delicious and lovely looking food you’ve ever eaten. 

A Few Testimonials.....


Here's What You Receive (In Addition to Love and Support)


All In Downloadable Format 

















































Option 1





28-Day Body & Soul Detox  

Private Gold Elite (Option 1)


28-Day Body & Soul Detox Program Binder with Journal Pages ~  Downloadable


"Kingdom Cooking - Miracle Meals That Heal" Cookbook ~ Downloadable


Orientation Audio ~ 10 Keys To Succeeding In This Detox Program


Weekly Coaching Calls ~ Five Private Coaching/Support Calls to guide you through each stage of the program.


MP3 ~ Receive a copy of each of your weekly coaching calls.


Week 1: Soul Detox


Week 2: I will support you in setting up a lifestyle makeover that will not only start you off on the right track, it will keep you from going back to your old ways of eating.


Week 3: I will help to blissfully  transition you into the "EVEN BETTER" Organic Vegan Cuisine stage


Week 4: I'm going to guide you through the "BEST" Raw Vegan Cuisine stage.


Week 5: Not only will I show you the secrets to successful juice feasting,

I'll support you as you go through the "BEYOND" Organic Juices stage and back.



Normal Investment Price of $1,597

SPECIAL $1,397 ($200 Savings)

$1,297 Pay In Full Offer - Save $300!

3 Part EZ Pay Offer 
$466 Deposit + 2 Additional Payments $466 (2 Weeks Apart) ~ {You will receive an invoice two weeks after initial payment and two weeks after the second payment}



Instantly receive the "Soul Detox" Downloadable Program which includes the 4 Part Audio Series(Normally $297)



Option 2


28-Day Body & Soul Detox  

Group Intensive Program (Option 2)


28-Day Body & Soul Detox Program Binder with Journal Pages ~  Downloadable


"Kingdom Cooking - Miracle Meals That Heal" Cookbook ~ Downloadable


Orientation Audio ~ 10 Keys To Succeeding In This Detox Program


Weekly Coaching Calls ~ Five group calls with Q&A to guide you through each stage of the program.


MP3 ~ Receive a copy of each of your weekly coaching calls.


Week 1: Soul Detox


Week 2: I will support you in setting up a lifestyle makeover that will not only start you off on the right track, it will keep you from going back to your old ways of eating.

Week 3: I will help to blissfully  transition you into the "EVEN BETTER" Organic Vegan Cuisine stage


Week 4: I'm going to guide you through the "BEST" Raw Vegan Cuisine stage.


Week 5: Not only will I show you the secrets to successful juice feasting,

I'll support you as you go through the "BEYOND" Organic Juicing stage.







Pay-In-Full $275

$142.50 Now + $142.50 In 14 Days ~ (You will receive an invoice for the $142.50 balance two weeks after first payment)


CAUTION: The 28 Day Body and Soul Detox is NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR PRESCRIBED TREATMENTS. If you are currently taking medication, or under medical supervision of any kind, you are strongly advised to discuss your detoxing plans with your doctor. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO STOP TAKING THE MEDICATION YOU ARE CURRENTLY ON UNLESS ADVISED BY YOUR PHYSICIAN. If you are PREGNANT I would prefer that you NOT REGISTER for this program unless you SPEAK WITH YOUR PHYSICAN. This is a gentle and gradual detox however results may vary.

The Importance Of A Detox - The Wellness Deeva

Feel Free To Listen!

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